Tuesday 27 January 2015

Why is the Sky blue???

We see the sky everyday no matter where we are in the world. Yet we take the sky for granted. I’m sure all of us have thought and wondered about the sky. Be it when we were children and were wondering why the sky was blue, or when we saw that beautiful sunset and wondered how the sky could do something so amazing. So in this Blog post I am going to give you some facts on the Geography of the sky and what the sky is made up of.

In Wikipedia the definition of the sky is ‘the region of atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth’. The atmosphere is a layer of gases that not only protect the earth from the suns ultraviolent radiation and help preserve life on earth but also gives the sky its colour. The sky colour is due to the atmosphere and the nature of light waves. The earth’s atmosphere not only contains gases but also contains tiny dust particles and particulates which are mostly too small to be seen by the human eye. The smallest particulates are the same length as the wavelength of blue light. This is why the sky is blue.

I hope you enjoyed reading this Blog post on the Geography of the Sky. Make sure to check out my next Blog post where I will be discussing about the clouds in the sky, why the sky goes dark every night and where the stars fit in to all of this!






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